Friday, November 29, 2013

Week (48): 25/11/2013 – 29/11/2013

To form a better perspective of the game world and what type of style we would like to have, we decided it was time to create a few concept scenes to walk in. Leon made a lot of concept art and has worked on some basic models identifying these pieces of art. We created two "hallways" representing a piece of the Labyrinth. By doing this it's easier to spot mistakes, or make new decisions what to or what not to include in a final direction of art and composition.

Johan was able to include a basic "breathing" system. It's still in development before we can run an effective test. When this is done we can cleary determine if this is the direction we like to have.

Jaap our researcher has come-up with some great historical and perceptual meaning for certain aspects about the Labyrinth and will be up for discussion next week. This will create a more solid "backstory" for our game. Ofcourse we want to keep the game about "the player" instead of a designed character.

Friday, November 22, 2013

Week (47): 18/11/2013 – 22/11/2013

Leon and Koen have been talking about the "style" of the game. Leon started to make concept shots from first person perspective to define an artistic composition and view for the labyrinth. He created different types of concepts.

Because it's hard to come up with something, Koen assembled a scene with different 'free models' to show the amount of quality we could reach within just a few hours of assembling and tuning some effects. By doing this we have something to talk about for the team instead of talking about 'ideas'. It also motivated us to finally have a picture where the game is heading.

Kaj our character artist is busy on the 'demon portraits'. The portraits are used at the end of the labyrinth, showing you which demon was chasing you and a little backstory. This is the concept sketch of 'Rokurokubi' a japanese demon.

Johan finally finished a efficiently generating labyrinth. When generating very large labyrinths it keeps performing great. This was one of the problems we had with the old model of generating a maze.

Because we have the Oculus Rift, we had one of the Moms over at our office. We recorded a very funny video about her using the Rift.

Friday, November 15, 2013

Week (46): 11/11/2013 – 15/11/2013

Oculus Rift finally arrived! We have been testing some great Oculus supported demos. Mainly focussed around First Person views. We want to figure out a great feeling of control when playing with Oculus Rift. After playing a demo of "Tuscany" we were very happy about the Rift.

Johan implemented the Rift in our game and played some scary soundscape allongside and we were already getting freightened about our own game.

Leon is working on some new concept art. It's focussed around the point of view in the game and is creating ideas how a player should be able to see the breathing patterns.

We also finished the business and marketing plan. We submitted all the files to the Gamefonds and hope to get a contribution to the project! Gamefonds is a great initiative for dutch game developers, you should take a look at their website!

Week (45): 04/11/2013 – 08/11/2013

The website was finished and we would like to have some fun. A week before we saw a video of 'Jigsaw' living with some students. We thought that video was very funny, therefore we made one ourselves. It's about Jigsaw visiting the KeokeN Interactive Headquarters. A little too much time went into the video, but it turned out pretty fun. We think if we are creating fun games, we also want to maintain our social networks with fun stuff.

We have also been working on a business and marketing plan to get a contribution from the Gamefonds foundation.

Leon has been finishing website backgrounds and started to create new concept art for the game.

Friday, November 1, 2013

Week (44): 28/10/2013 – 01/11/2013

A very busy week. We decided to finish the website first. The plan was to launch the website on thursday. Johan, Koen and Leon have been working late hours to finish it, and we succeeded! There are still a few performance problems, but we are working on that. The launch of our new website means there will be much more time to work on the game.

Leon is still busy finishing the backgrounds for the website. Our goal is to have six great and artistic background banners in different color schemes. You can see one of the backgrounds and the pictures of the website launch below!